Bird Cage Size Calculator
Calculate the ideal cage size for your bird based on species and number of birds.
How It Works:
- Bird Species Selection: The user selects the bird species from the dropdown list (e.g., Cockatiel, Canary, Conure, Parakeet, Lovebird, Finch, Parrot, Cockatoo, Macaw).
- Number of Birds: The user inputs the number of birds they own. This allows the calculator to adjust the recommended cage size based on the number of birds.
- Calculate Minimum Cage Size: Once all information is entered, the user clicks the "Calculate" button, and the calculator will display the recommended minimum cage size in cubic feet.
- Result: The result is shown in a clear and bold format, recommending the cage size based on the species and number of birds.
Factors Considered:
- Species: Different species require different cage sizes. For instance, small birds like canaries or finches need less space, while large birds like macaws and cockatoos need significantly larger cages.
- Number of Birds: The total cage size is calculated based on the number of birds. Each bird should have its own space to ensure comfort and avoid overcrowding.
Example Input and Output:
- Species: Cockatiel
- Number of Birds: 2
- Minimum Cage Size:
8.00 cubic feet