how to attract hummingbird to your backyard?

Attracting hummingbirds to your backyard adds a touch of magic, with their vibrant colors and mesmerizing flight patterns. These tiny, energetic birds bring life and beauty to any outdoor space, making it a joyful experience for bird lovers who appreciate nature’s wonders up close. Here’s how to welcome them.

1.Choose the Right Plants for Hummingbirds

To attract hummingbirds, choosing the right plants is key. Native flowers are particularly effective, as they provide natural nectar sources that hummingbirds thrive on.

Some of the best options include trumpet vine, bee balm, columbine, and salvia. These plants are rich in nectar and specifically suited to hummingbirds’ needs.

The color of flowers plays an essential role in drawing these birds to your garden. Red, in particular, is highly attractive to hummingbirds, as they associate it with rich nectar sources.

However, other bright colors such as orange, pink, and purple also work well in catching their attention.

When selecting plants, opt for tubular-shaped flowers. These flowers, like honeysuckle and coral bells, are perfect for hummingbirds’ long beaks and slender tongues, allowing them to easily reach deep into the flower to access the nectar.

A well-planned garden with these flowers will quickly become a hummingbird haven.

2.Use Feeders to Supplement Nectar

Using feeders is an excellent way to supplement the nectar naturally found in flowers, ensuring that hummingbirds always have access to a food source.

When choosing a feeder, opt for red-colored feeders, as hummingbirds are naturally drawn to this color.

Look for feeders with built-in perches and easy-to-clean parts to maintain hygiene, as cleanliness is crucial for the birds’ health.

For homemade nectar, the recipe is simple and effective: mix 1 part sugar with 4 parts water. Avoid using honey, artificial sweeteners, or red dyes, as these can be harmful to the birds. Boil the mixture, then let it cool before filling your feeder. This closely mimics the natural sweetness found in flowers.

Proper placement is key to attracting hummingbirds. Hang feeders near bright flowers or in open, visible areas where the birds can easily spot them.

Avoid placing feeders too close to windows or areas with heavy foot traffic to prevent scaring them off.

3.Create a Safe Environment

Creating a safe environment for hummingbirds is essential to encourage frequent visits.

Adding perches, such as small trees, shrubs, or even thin branches, provides hummingbirds with spots to rest between feedings and survey their surroundings.

To protect them from predators, especially cats, position feeders away from low-hanging branches or areas where predators can easily reach. If cats are a concern, consider using barriers or placing feeders higher up to keep them out of reach.

Avoid using pesticides, as they not only harm insects that hummingbirds rely on for protein but can also negatively impact the birds themselves if ingested.

4.Maintain a Fresh Water Source

Providing a fresh water source is essential for attracting hummingbirds, as they love to bathe and drink from shallow water features.

A misting feature or a shallow birdbath is ideal, as hummingbirds enjoy hovering in the mist or dipping into a shallow surface for a quick rinse. You can also use a small fountain with dripping water, which will catch their attention.

It’s crucial to keep the water clean and fresh. Change the water regularly to prevent the buildup of algae or bacteria and ensure it’s free from chemicals or contaminants, offering the birds a safe place to hydrate and bathe.

Plan Seasonal Attraction

Hummingbirds are most likely to visit during their migration periods in spring and summer, when they travel to find food and nesting areas.

In North America, they typically arrive in early spring and may stay through late summer, depending on the region.

To make your backyard appealing year-round, plant a variety of flowers that bloom at different times throughout the year.

For example, early bloomers like columbine can attract them in the spring, while late bloomers like salvia and bee balm keep them visiting into the fall.

This ensures a continuous nectar supply and keeps hummingbirds coming back season after season.


What scares hummingbirds away?

Loud noises, aggressive animals, or dirty feeders can scare hummingbirds away. Make sure feeders are clean and placed in quiet, safe areas.

How often should I change the nectar in my feeder?

Change nectar every 3-5 days, especially in hot weather, to prevent fermentation and keep the hummingbirds healthy.

Why is the color red important for attracting hummingbirds?

Hummingbirds are drawn to bright red colors because they associate them with food sources, especially nectar-rich flowers.

Can I use honey or artificial sweeteners in the feeder?

No, honey and artificial sweeteners can harm hummingbirds. Always use pure white sugar in a 1:4 ratio with water.

Do hummingbirds like shaded or sunny areas?

Hummingbirds prefer feeders placed in partial shade. This keeps the nectar fresh longer and provides a comfortable spot for feeding.

What time of year should I put out my hummingbird feeders?

Place feeders out in early spring before the migration starts and keep them up through fall to feed any late travelers.

How can I keep ants and bees away from my hummingbird feeder?

Use ant moats and bee guards to prevent insects from getting into the nectar.

Do hummingbirds need water to drink or bathe?

Yes, hummingbirds love misting water features or shallow birdbaths for drinking and bathing.

What kind of fruit should I put out to attract hummingbirds?

Place ripe fruit like bananas, oranges, or apples in the garden to attract insects, which provide protein for hummingbirds.

Can I use pesticides in my garden if I want to attract hummingbirds?

No, avoid pesticides as they can kill the insects hummingbirds rely on for food and harm the birds directly.